
Thursday, January 29, 2015

A2Z Series Week 12 - L is for Lines

Hey there!  It's week 12 in the A2ZNails Weekly Challenge, and this week L is for Lines. For once I had an idea what I wanted to do this week! When I thought of lines, stripes immediately came to mind so I decided to do different angles of lines/stripes. 

I started with a base of Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Grandpa and using straight Nail Vinyls I created the designs I wanted to do. Then I painted over them with Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer Micky Smith. Defending The Earth. I won both of these polishes in an Instagram giveaway that Julie from BEGL hosted. 

I love this color combination, and I think this look is fun!  

What would you do for a lines manicure? What do you think of this color combo? 

Don't forget to check out the other bloggers participating in the challenge and remember to check back every Thursday to see all the creations.  Next week is M is for Multi-Colored.  For the complete A2Z Archive head over to the hubpage HERE

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oooo I adore this colour combo!!

    1. Thanks Charlie! I really like this combo too!

  2. Beautiful manicure, I really love your colour choices. The green holo looks stunning with your lines :) xx

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like this combo. :)

  3. I love the colours and the mani is really great! :)
